Concettina Died and Other Stories of the East Side

Index Zazaura, Barack The Vote Edition, posted February 10, 2008 at 01:50 PM

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Obama's got the O-mentum as we roll through February. As much as I believe democracy means everyone gets to have a say, I really wish the nomination wouldn't come down to the voters of Ohio. They haven't exactly done us right the last few times out, and they need to be punished. Severely. (No offense to friends and family there, but really...).

I'm getting aboard the Vampire Weekend train, even though something so trendy isn't really my style. It's just that the album is rockin', and the band is a collection of cute nerdy types from Columbia University. Puts one in mind of Talking Heads--I mean who writes songs about commas? Take a look at their videos. So cute.

Work on my new theater piece with Mark Fox is slow going. Exciting to be back in the saddle with Mark (sorry, Elizabeth) but boy am I having a hard time getting the words right. Meanwhile my mailbox is bulging with rejection slips. A new publication would go a long way toward inspiring me, that's for sure.

Last night was Melissa's 30th birthday party. I drank wine like I was in my twenties--so if you'll forgive me I'll be getting back to my hangover now.

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