Concettina Died and Other Stories of the East Side

New Feature: Fortune Correction™, posted January 23, 2007 at 10:35 PM

This entry is the first in which I will correct the fortunes found in cookies--the inane, the insane, the tangled, the mangled, the sour, the dour, and the boring messages that come wrapped in simple crunchy cookies.

From time to time I will present my own acquired fortunes, obtained at large Upper West Side dinners, at dirty Chinatown midnight excursions, through lazy any-time-of-day deliveries of cheap salty MSG meals. But please, dear reader, feel free to send me your own little fortunes, and I will gladly correct them for you. Free of charge.

Original Fortune:
"Do not let ambitions overshadow small successes."
"Do not let ambitious shadows be small successes."

Original Fortune:
"Your desire to protect the people around you is appropriate."
"Your desire for the people around you requires appropriate protection."


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